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Privacy Policy

PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING POLICY OF SHAREHOLDERS, CUSTOMERS, USERS, AND/OR SUPPLIERS INTRODUCTION This policy is issued in compliance with Law 1581 of 2012, Decree 1377 of 2013, of Colombia, and regulations that modify or add to the personal data protection regime and seek to guarantee that the company ARKIX S.A.S., in its capacity as responsible and charge of the managing personal information, carry out the Treatment of the same in strict compliance with the applicable regulations, guaranteeing the rights that the Holders of the information assist them. DEFINITIONS 1. Personal data: Any information linked or that can be associated with... read more

Digital Marketing Agencies

Some agencies face intense competition when finding and acquiring talent. They compete against each other and other enterprises, such as retailers, e-commerce companies, and giants like Google and Facebook. This situation stresses their... read more

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